1.He also told me if I ever wanted to rejoin KoRn, or open for KoRn as a solo artist, the door was always open.
2.Even before his success as a solo artist, Glen Campbell had been one of the music world's most in-demand studio musicians.
3.Winner of twenty-two American Music Awards and thirty-eight nominations, more than any other female solo artist in history.
4.Cyndi continued to play local clubs, but this time as a solo artist.
5.I finally feel like I'm starting to establish my own identity as a solo artist.
6.One such performance was attended by Warner Bros. executive Martha Sharp, who expressed interest in Hill as a solo artist.
7.John Lennon - someone who showed the power of words and music combined both with the Beatles and as a solo artist.
8.Jeff will be touring in 2003 as a solo artist and also plans on expanding and playing with friends and found musicians along the way.
9.The Grammy-winning singer, who got his start in the 1980s with boy band Menudo, has sold more than 60 million albums as a solo artist.
10.Before Cyndi hit it big as a solo artist, she recorded an LP in 1980 with the group Blue Angel.